Chi Flow Pelvis

Mondays at 9.30 - 11.00 CET
15.1. / 22.1. / 29.1. / 5.2. // 19.2. / 26.2. / 4.3. / 11.3. / 18.3. / 25.3.2024 ( 10x)
22.4. / 29.4. / 6.5. / 13.5. // 27.5. / 3.6. / 10.6. / 17.6. / 24.6. / 1.7.2024 (10x)
Wednesdays at 19.00 - 20.30 CET
21.2. / 28.2. / 6.3. / 13.3. / 20.3.2024 (5x)
24.4. / 1.5. // 15.5. / 22.5. / 29.5. / 5.6. / 12.6. / 19.6. / 26.6. / 3.7.2024 (10x)
Monday: Länggasse 58a, 3360 Herzgenbuchsee
5x = 125chf
10x = 250chf
drop-in class = 27chf (only if space available)
Private session 90chf (75 minutes)
Customized exchange is always possible. Please get in touch​ with me.
Payment can be made through PayPal, TWINT or e-banking.
Join at any time.
A holistic, gentle and effective pelvic floor training, in which you connect with your body in a loving way, strengthen your feminine power and regenerate yourself physically and mentally. Mobilization and harmonization of the pelvic floor and womb space, mindful and targeted strengthening of the torso/abdominal muscles and stabilization of the back are part of every Chi Flow Pelvis class, as well as strengthening of the immune system and activation of your energy flows.
In addition, I draw from my rich experiences as a Yoga Doula, Womb Medicine Woman, from Energy Medicine, Yin Yoga and Womb Yoga.
A well-rounded class for you and your femininity.

"I really appreciate the regular Chi Flow classes with Linda Isha. The conscious connection with my body in a circle of other women does me a lot of good. At the beginning of the class, Linda Isha always inquires about the participants' state of mind and about their wishes for the upcoming sequence and responds flexibly and intuitively to the various needs during the exercises. I always feel wonderfully relaxed, calm and at ease in myself afterwards."