Spiral Song
With a singing body,
A dancing heart,
A vibrating soul and
A pulsing flow
I stand here
Ready to serve the awakening
of the moment.
Being. Light.
~ Isha
Spiral Song describes the expression of the ever-evolving life force which lives in all that is. Spiral Song is the basis of the healing arts that I serve. It comes through me in dance, song, drumming, energy flow, visual art, ceremony, radiance and being.
Spiral Song is my offering of love from my soul to this world.
I love to listen to the Spiral Song of the rocks, the wind, the grass, the trees, the rivers, the oceans, the night sky, the moon, the stars and our beloved Mother Earth. They all share their wisdom in wise ways to restore harmony. Because that's their nature and that is healing.
Various facets of Shamanic Healing reflect the Light of the Divine.
It is my intention to serve the Healing and Awakening of each living being and the collective earth consciousness.
I believe that every individual is essential for this journey of restoring natural health and balance for our planet.
Natural health and balance is the state of our inner home.
When we find it, it can only reflect that same harmony in the outer world. Thus, when we heal ourselves, we heal the world.
I welcome you as you are, with all that you are.
And I am interested in exploring your healing journey with you.
Welcome to your unique journey home.